ALPHA - Not yet released

Note: currently only supports .clj files.

Note: no explicit windowa support.

makejack uses two configuration files, project.edn and mj.edn.

All the makejack specific configuration takes place in mj.edn, while project.edn describes your project in a tool agnostic fashion.

The project.edn file could be used by other build tools, should they decide to support it.

Both files are loaded using aero, and can use all aero’s default tags.


The project.edn file contains keys that describe your project. The keys are shown in sample.project.edn.

These keys can use aero profiles to provide variants for these values. The targets can specify which profile to use. makejack’s default targets specify target specific profiles, named after the target itself.

The :aliases key is used to specify the deps.edn aliases to use.


The mj.edn file is used to specify build targets on the :targets key , and to configure makejack. It does not use profiles. See sample.mj.edn

Aero Tags Defined by Makejack

makejack defines several new aero tags, mainly for use in mj.edn.


This is used as the top level tag in mj.edn.

#mj {}

It is used inject default values into the makejack configuration. At present it injects the :target-path and the :classes-path keys. The provided map is merged into these default values.

{:target-path "target"
:classes-path "target/classes"}


The #project tage is used to inject the project.edn file into mj.edn. It is passed a map with a :profile key, specifying which profile to load.


The #default-targets tag is used to inject makejack’s default targets. See [Targets]({{ relref “” }}).


The #regex key can be used to define a regex from a string pattern.


Like #ref, but evaluates to nil if the specified path is not found.